Over the years, the school log book has been used to record information about the school, pupils, village and the country. In preparation for the Temple School Celebration Event, the log book was used to compile this list of entries that reflect the events that occurred during the life of the school.
Thanks to Bill Brown and Ashe Tait for their work on this list.
04 Sep 1903 Mr James Low, Headmaster (since 1872) opened the school. Roll 52. 07 Dec 1904 Outbreak of mumps 14 Oct 1904 Owing to potato gathering the attendance in the senior school has been small during the week although good attendance in the junior divisions. 26 Jul 1911 Closed the school today for the holidays, to re-open 11 Sept 1911. (This was Mr Low's last entry - retiring after nearly forty years as Headmaster. He then vacated the Schoolhouse but stayed on in the village and built South Esk Lodge for his retirement. He died on 1 June 1919 age 78) 02 Sep 1912 Playground lay with ashes 07 May 1913 The old fashioned gallery in the infant room was removed and modern furniture introduced with new windows in the south wall. 03 March 1916 Inspectors' Report: school garden well managed in all sections and good crops are grown. 07 April 1916 School water supply interfered with and school has been without water for the last 3 weeks. (Note this was before the introduction of the public mains supply with water being drawn from wells and also gathered in tanks from the roofs). 11 Nov 1919 Armistice Day - work stopped for 2 minutes at 11am and the King's letter was explained to the pupils. 19 Dec 1916 School insufficiently heated, supply of coal has given out, burst pipes and the playground flooded, children told by teachers not to play there. 09 July 1920 A boy, aged 13 years, was absent yesterday for the second time since 11 June, on both occasions employed by a local farmer with his hours of employment from 6.30am to 5 pm. As this is a contravention of the Educ.Bye Laws and Employment of Children Act 1903 the Executive Officer has been duly notified. The boy was refused Exemption. 11 Nov 1920 Armistice Day - work stopped for 2 minutes at 11 am and the significance of this Silence and, the burial of the 'Unknown Warrier' at Westminster was explained to the pupils. 15 Dec 1921 Inspectors' Report - cooking stove unsatisfactory. Noted Dr Gordon, the School Dentist now visiting on a regular basis. Attendance improving. 22 May 1923 Empire Day - School closed. 31 July 1923 Inspectors' Report: An excellent light structure has been made to this School which provides a very well equipped room for Woodwork, Household subjects, staff room and cloakroom facilities.A capacious rainwater tank now supplements the supply of water. The Infant Room has been divided by a partition so that staff and 3 teachers may be employed. 21 Feb 1930 A week of exceptional frost - all pipes completely frozen but attendances very good. 6 March 1933 A pupil from the infant room died today from scarlet fever. 19 May 1933 12 cases of scarlet fever. 6 June 1933 Attendances affected by epidemics. 6 May 1935 Silver Jubilee of King George V - pupils assembled along with Toxside children and were presented with boxes of chocolates and a Jubilee shilling. 20 Jan 1936 Fierce snowstorm raging- only 12 pupils present. 21 Jan 1936 Roads all blocked and no pupils arrived from country areas. King George V died 20 Jan at 11.55pm; the Prince of Wales now becomes Edward V111. 22 Jan 1936 Roads still blocked only 7 pupils present. 28 Jan 1936 School closed in commemoration of King George V's funeral. 18 May 1937 School reopened today after holiday for Coronation. New Headmistress Miss Naysmith. 18 Sept 1937 Pupils of Temple and Carrington schools were taken to Edin. Castle, the Shrine and Museum where an exhibition of the Coronation robes were seen, and following this a visit to the Zoo at Corstorphine. 29 Jan 1938 Demonstration of Physical Instruction by wireless, attended by the Scottish Council for School broadcasting, was held in the school and 18 children were present to carry out the Demonstration. 27 Sept 1938 Pupils listened to wireless broadcast of the launching of the ship the Queen Elizabeth by HM the Queen. 1 Sept 1939 (Germany invaded Poland, 2 days later Britain and France declared war on Germany). 4 Sept 1939 Owing to the outbreak of war between Britain and Germany School did not re-open. School to re-open as soon as evacuation arrangements have been made. 13 Sept 1939 School re-opened and admitted 58 children. 17 Nov 1939 Black Out RegulationsTemporary shortening of the school day from Monday 20 Nov 1939 to 11 Feb 1940 per Letter from Director of Education 11 Nov 1939-No child will be on way to or from school during the blackout period, also school Cleaners to have school premises cleaned without the use of artificial light during the Blackout period.(Note: electricity was not wired into Temple until 1953 - up to then it was oil lamps, candles and light from the coal fire.) 24 Jan 1941 Temperature in Schoolrooms 46 degrees, very heavy snow, and roads blocked. 1 Sept 1941 Children evacuated to Arniston House now transferred to Gorebridge School. Roll 22. 3 Sept 1943 NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER: 4th anniversary of Declaration of war. Pupils listened to a service on the wireless. Some senior pupils attended service in local church. 8 May 1945 Celebration of Victory inEurope - school closed for 2 days. 6 Jan-7 Mar 1947 Snow, frost, ice, roads blocked. Temp in schoolroom at freezing point- but school remained open for the few local children who could attend. 1 April 1949 New Headmistress Miss Meta Lindsay. Roll 18. 29 Sept 1950 Inspectors' Report - attendances well maintained. Premises in good condition but playground gate in need of repair. Midday meals are served in the classroom and about 7 children use this facility. Most of the pupils are members of the savings association.Instruction vigorous but sympathetic and there was a happy atmosphere in the classroom. At all stages there was a lively interest in the recreative subjects, especially in Art and Handwork. 28 Feb-4 Mar 1955 Owing to frost, drifting snow this week's attendance has been the worst since I came to Temple school in 1949. All roads beyond Temple have been blocked. 3 Feb 1956 At 9am the temperature was 30 degrees rising to 40 degrees by 3.30pm. 21 May 1958 Today we installed a new school wireless set and speaker to replace the old battery set. 5 Jan 1959 Brook Bond Tea Company sent their representative to show us 4 films on 'Tea'. They were both interesting and instructive. 3 May 1961 J McLean to over as Headteacher. Roll 39. 29 June 1961 Today Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth accompanied by His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh visited Temple during the course of a tour of Midlothian. She visited the house of Mrs Gilchrist (the School Janitor) and the pupils were assembled to a point opposite the house and were rewarded by a fine view of the proceedings. 11 Nov 1963 Mr Kenneth Kohler took over as Head teacher. Roll 37. 16 March 1964 School closed in honour of Royal birth. 28 August 1964 Miss Margaret Lambie appointment, assistant teacher. Roll 40. 5 Dec 1966 Heating engineers called in to view premises regarding the installation of a central heating system. 21 Aug 1967 Off Peak central heating system installed (but not without teething problems!). 3 Oct 1967 Television set installed in school. 8 Jan 1968 >Early Warning System for air raids installed by PO engineers. 29 Aug 1969 Wonderful weather the best summer for 50 years (as reported). 9 Sept 1969 Made start in gathering the apples from the school garden- heavy crop. Donated some to pupils and various staff members and the bulk will be sold for school funds. 17 Nov 1969 New currency work progressing, several books tried out, hope to start with decimal fractions with P5 and ultimately with P4. 23 March 1970 Swings put in park. 1 Sept 1970 Good crop of apples, I'm sure the trees need attention from a gardiner, pruning etc to improve the crop. Sold apples for School funds. 11 Jan 1971 Change to Decimal Coinage almost upon us but we seem reasonably prepared. We have been working out problems for some considerable time now. 8 Feb 1971 All money sorted out for 'D' Day with most pupils looking forward to the change. 3 Sept 1971 Roll 26 (falling). 6 Oct 1971 New family, the Peacocks, moved into Schoolhouse, settling in OK. 14/18 Jan 1972 We are coping with the effects of the coal strike but the power cuts pose problems in a building heated by storage units. (Heath Government - the 3-Day Week). 6/10 Mar 1972 New sink unit installed in dining room and this is providing a boon to all- no more carrying of dishes up steps and dishwashing in classroom. Still waiting on starting date for the widening of the School gate. 8 Sept 1972 New sink unit installed in dining room and this is providing a boon to all- no more carrying of dishes up steps and dishwashing in classroom. Still waiting on starting date for the widening of the School gate. 22 Sept 1972 Weather continues dry- water shortage imminent - water levels in reservoir lowest for 93 years. 9 Oct 1972 No sign of rain yet, shortage of water now acute 9 Nov 1972 Cold northern air flows brought snow and very hard frosts. Weather resembles Jan. Water shortage still with us - Gladhouse reservoir extremely low. 14 Nov 1973 Holiday declared for wedding of Princess Ann and Captain Mark Phillips. 14 Jan 1974 Storage heaters failed again, school like an ice box. Pupils sent home, no school dinners. 25 Jan 1974 Water shortage fading. 26 Feb 1974 New telephone installed - now on STD. Roll 25. 15 May 1974 Petrol shortage causing inconvenience 30 Aug 1974 Alasdair Anderson from Esperston joined us for 3 weeks (intends to study at Moray House). Started an interesting project on fossils, took class to an old disused kiln to Study fossils. 15 Nov 1974 Alasdair Anderson visited infant room as a sequel to his TV appearance in which mention and sight of the School was given. 3 Sept 1976 New TV aerial fitted, now we can receive BBC2. 10 Sept 1976 Mrs Young took up post of auxiliary on Monday. 25 Mar 1977 Monday was a May day holiday and Tuesday a holiday to celebrate the Queen's Silver Jubilee. Each child was given a crown as a souvenir of this occasion. 3 June 1977 We have high hopes of receiving a colour television and more adequate dining furniture. 14 Oct 1977 Park fence has been neglected and sheep are not only in the park but also in the School gardens as well. 10 Mar 1978 Letter to Director re possibility of extending the playground, making entrance/exit gate to the lane and convert garden space into a playground. 6 April 1979 Old coal shed at the end of playground was demolished. 9 Nov 1979 Binocular microscope arrived. 25 Jan 1980 Gales, frost and temperature did not rise above 50 degrees - School closed. 4 July 1980 8 members of the education committee and Mr McKay DOE visited the School, having already visited Carrington. Perhaps a decision regarding the two Schools can now be taken. 2 Jan 1981 Work started on new entrance/exit gate and conversion of School garden to a playground. 16 Sept 1983 Roll 28. 9 Dec 1983 Letter sent to parents re proposed closure of Carrington School in June 1984. 3 Feb 1984 We now have our computer system. 18 Aug 1985 Roll 29 but projection for Sept 37. 31 Oct 1985 The Temple/Carrington road was officially opened on Thursday at 11am and the whole School attended the ceremony and STV cameras were filming outside the School and some of the children appeared on the TV news broadcast. 7 Jan 1986 Photocopier delivered from Rank Xerox. 22 Aug 1986 Roll 37. 9 Dec 1988 Burst water main in Village - School had to be closed. 1 Sept 1989 Roll 39 (Senior 23, Infant 16). 15 Sept 1989 Whole School visited Arniston House, were shown round by Mrs Dundas Bekker. 24 Nov 1989 1st School Board Meeting, Chair- Mr A Dunlop, Clerk -E Murray, Parents- J Mercer and J Phillips. 12 Oct 1990 School dinners to go to a private caterer with all staff redundant. 23 Aug 1991 Roll 47 ( Senior 23 Infant 24). 6 Mar 1992 Closure of Greenhall Secondary School muted.Solvent abuse in the village. 13 Nov 1992 STV have asked if they can bring Joan Lingard and Frank Rodgers (both childrens authors) to the School early December to be filmed talking to the children) (Joan Lingard taught at the School in the early sixties and her latest book is about a small village school threatened with closure). 4 Dec 1992 STV filming. 25 Mar 1994 School playground re-surfaced. 7 Nov 1994 Festival of Thanks- Mrs Matthews brought along some of the Bosnian refugees. 1 Mar 1996 Police demonstration- Headteacher bound in handcuffs but unfortunately the keys had been left at Station. Headteacher stated that she would never volunteer for this sort of thing again. The PC involved was so embarrassed. This 'funny' episode was reported in the newspapers. 19 April 1996 We are now a Midlothian School as disintegration of the Region took place on 1st April. 22 Aug 1997 Roll 47 (Seniors 25, Juniors 22) 15 Jan 1999 New computer arrived - our first PC! 10 Jan 2003 New Headteacher Mrs Jane Lambley. 18 Dec 2003 Class 2 visited Arniston House for an Edwardian Christmas experience. 27 Feb 2004 Implication of the PPP Proposals for Temple School, which is to close. 5 Mar 2004 Many meetings re closure- emotions running high. 21 May 2004 Result of consultation voted by the Council, a new School to be built at Middleton for the Temple and Borthwick people. Children to remain in Schools until new building is completed probably around June 2007. Staff will transfer but position of Headteacher will be an open advert. 26 May 2007 Celebration of Temple School 11 October 2007 Temple School closed.